Here are the mini-teams as of September 2024

Here are the mini-teams as of September 2024

Wondering how the next mini-season will

look like? Below are the teams for the coming season, training start dates and tournament dates.

With regard to the trainers, all positions have been filled, you will find the trainer listed with the team.

The teams are sometimes quite large. We plan to split the big teams at the tournaments into 2 teams if possible. After all, at least 4 people are needed per team during a match.

First training
The training sessions start on Wednesday August 28, which is the last week of the holidays. We train at the same time as always, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM in the Nieuwe Bankrashal, Pandora 3 in Amstelveen.

Tournament dates
Most tournament dates have already been announced, so make a note of them in your calendar. We don't know the playing times yet, they will be announced about 2 weeks in advance. Game times usually fall between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

The dates:
September 21 Hoofddorp,
October 19 Amstelveen
November 16, Haarlem
December 14 Aalsmeer
January 11 Hoofddorp
February 8 Beach Aalsmeer
March 15, Haarlem
April 12 Ouderkerk

The teams:

Zeehonden, level 6
Trainer: Masja
Ella, Lenka, Anh, Derin and Jelena
Trial lessons are followed by: Katre, Aylin, Ruya, Stella, Zoe, Sam and Sana

Octopussen, level 6
We hope to have both a girls and a boys team here for the tournaments
Trainer: Daisy
Girls: Alara, Minke, Hope, Defne, Mira, Alya, Deniz, Ela
Boys: Teun, Houd, Constatijn, Sam, Boril, Adam, Sarp and Daniel

Zeepaardjes, level 4 or 6
Trainer: Mete
Veronika, Dara, Yanita, Anabella, Giulia and Adam
Trial lessons are followed by: Gael, Naz, Oyku and Nil

Dolfijnen, level 4
Chiara, Sara, Emaline, Noeria and Marit
Trial lessons are followed by: Maria, Uzay, Aleena and Mina

Orka’s, level 3
Teun, Doga, Romijn, Maxime, Zeyneb, Ana, Elisa and Idriss

Schildpadden, level 2
Kaan, Lara, Mira and Makar
Trial lessons are followed by: Karin, Runa, Anna, Emilia, Eric and Theo

If you have any questions or if something is incorrect, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.