CMV 12-11-2023

Almost 350 spectators at Mini volleyball tournament

At the CMV tournament on Nov. 12, 2023

in the Nieuwe Bankrashal AMVJ-Martinus welcomed nearly 350 mini-volleyball players with their parents and coaches.

Those 350 people were not all there at once; the tournament ran from 12:00 noon until about 5:00 pm. CMV stands for Cool Moves Volleyball where the minis, who range in age from 6 to 12, play about three games. In doing so, the six-year-olds have different rules than the 12-year-olds where the rules are adapted to what they can do. So with the real little ones the ball is still mainly caught and thrown, with the older kids it starts to look more and more like official volleyball.

The CMV tournaments take place once a month in a different region each time. Last time it was Amstelveen's turn. Apart from minor flaws such as a non-working time clock, everything went according to plan and the atmosphere was pleasant. With the mini's the emphasis is on having fun playing with each other and less on winning or losing. The next CMV tournament will take place in Sporthal De Bloemhof in Aalsmeer on December 16.